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Welcome Meal

Dogo Residenz cultivates a welcoming culture. The new people who travel to Lichtensteig from near and far are greeted, received and welcomed by the Dogo team. Just as the aperitif is part of every opening in Switzerland, a "Welcome Meal" (lunch or dinner) is not to be missed at the Dogo Residenz. In the phase of arriving at the new place, this format can help the new cultural practitioners to orient themselves. Those involved can get to know each other, exchange practical information and recharge their batteries at the same time.

Kafi Dogo

The bi-weekly exchange format "Kafi Dogo" provides an intimate setting for stimulating conversations about the processes in the residence. Questions about the choice of materials, the practice of certain techniques, the content, the composition or the presentation of the works are addressed in the work discussions. At the beginning of each residency, the cultural practitioners are invited to talk about their works in the group by means of work documentations. In addition, "Kafi Dogo" is the meeting place where organizational matters, such as infrastructural concerns in the apartment or studio, are discussed and information about upcoming events is provided. In Swiss German, "Kafi" stands for coffee.

Dinner Conversations

Eating, drinking and talking are among the essential activities in the building of a community at the Dogo Residenz, in addition to the practice of one's own. They connect the different perspectives and cultures, and also provide an optimal breeding ground for exploring the seasons' respective focal points. In this vessel, the cultural practitioners can also contribute their own culinary skills and food cultures and address focus-related issues collectively.


Dogo repeatedly goes out and visits cultural institutions, events and seeks contact with cultural workers. At the center of these movements and displacements is networking, pleasure, and exploration outside of one's own institution. The distance from the residence makes it possible to direct one's gaze over the hilltops and valleys and to get to know local and regional cultural venues and scenes.

Open Studio

Twice a year, the Dogo Residenz opens its studio doors. Interested people learn about the topics that the cultural practitioners deal with. They provide insights into their portfolios and artistic processes. These are often characterized by challenges that do not reach the exhibition space. Thus, the open studio also offers the opportunity to penetrate the fragile spheres of the creative process. Drinks and vegan hot dogs will be served.

Dogo Totale

The annual exhibition shows a part of what has been created over the year in residence. With the mission of making art accessible to a broad public, works and artistic contributions are presented. This does not necessarily have to meet the requirements of the self-contained nature of a work, such as those found in galleries and museums. Processual excerpts, fragmentary pieces or notes can also find their way into the exhibition. Just like the focal points per season that hold the artistic positions together, the exhibition venues are also constantly changing anew.

Art Walk

The art walk offers a wonderful opportunity to discover the town of Lichtensteig through the perspective of art. While walking, the strollers can take time to look at the works, the architecture and the life in the town. Every year artists are invited to Lichtensteig, for example in the context of an exhibition, in order to respond to different places and themes. This expands both the number of works and the paths. The art walk is a cooperation between the Dogo Residenz and the Rathaus für Kultur.